Transport control

Check-in or transport inspection in the regional transport system in the PID shall be carried out by submitting and retrieving a contactless identifier showing on the check-in facility the passenger identification information and information on long-term coupons or proof of entitlement to the special fares associated with that identifier. For a discounted fare, a credit claim may be required. In the case of purchasing a fare at the contact point, the passenger is also obliged to submit proof of purchase together with the identifier. However, this obligation only applies 60 minutes after purchase.

If you use the Lítačka chip card, the In Card, or a payment card as an identifier, you attach this card to the inspection device for contactless reading.

For check-in, the mobile device must be unlocked, the mobile application must be turned on and logged in to the user account, where the identifier with the coupon is registered. It is possible to check in using the QR code and NFC (Android only). You can find the QR code in the Tickets section, Coupons tab. For transport inspection, it is necessary to have an open screen with a QR code, you attach the phone screen to the inspection device so that the entire QR code is captured from the display. In the case of NFC control, the phone is attached directly to the mark at a check-in device. To submit an identifier using NFC, it must be turned on both on the mobile device and the mobile application. If another NFC-enabled application is loaded when you present your phone, you must first turn off such an application on your mobile device.

In this case, the inspection device sends an online query to the coupon database, where the coupon is searched for and information about it is sent to the inspection device.

The ticket is submitted for inspection in the user account and on the mobile device, where the ticket was activated. The validity of the ticket can be verified using a QR code, NFC or visual inspection of the variable patterns. To check a ticket using a QR code or a variable pattern, open the detail of the activated ticket in the Tickets section, Tickets tab. The QR code on the mobile device must be attached to the inspection device so that the entire QR code is captured from the display.

To submit a ticket using NFC, it must be turned on both on the mobile device and the mobile application. The mobile device must be unlocked and the mobile application turned on. If another NFC application is loaded when submitting an NFC to a mobile device, you need to turn off that application on the mobile device.

Actually, you do not. An internet connection is required when registering a new identifier and then purchasing or transferring a coupon. To use a short-term ticket, you only need to be online when purchasing and activating it, and no longer for the transport check itself.

It is the passenger's responsibility to be able to present a valid ticket. If you use a mobile application as an identifier or use the application for short-term tickets, you must have a functional device, i.e. a charged phone, at the time of the transport check. Otherwise, a successful transport inspection is not guaranteed and you run the risk of a fine.

No, it is not. The passenger must always carry an identifier, in this case an In Card or a payment card, physically with him/her.

No, it is not. The passenger must always carry an identifier, in this case an In Card or a payment card, physically with him/her.

Check-in is exactly the same as in the case of short-term tickets, i.e. the inspector / driver / guide reads the QR code, or NFC communication takes place, and if the passenger has a coupon assigned to the mobile application, then this information is displayed on the control device. At the same time, photos of the passenger using the coupon will be displayed on this device. Using a mobile phone is absolutely safe, no data can be abused.

The fare surcharge can be paid online by payment card or by payment Service 24 - Česká spořitelna via the pidlitacka.cz e-shop or via the DPP e-shop. All you have to do is log in to the user account, select the Pay fine option and fill in the number from the Record of the performed transport inspection (ZOPPK). The fine can be paid either in full (reduction of the amount for timely payment will take place automatically when selecting the type of payment), or after clicking on the Verify coupon option, the system will automatically evaluate the ownership of the coupon and, if necessary, reduce the amount of the fare surcharge (fine with a discount for a forgotten ticket). Coupon verification online can only be used for a personal electronic fare in the main registered account.

Another possibility of payment for fines is still payment at the additional cash desk of Dopravní podnik hl. Prague, a.s. at the DPP Headquarters, address Na Bojišti 1452/5, Prague 2.

Amounts due can also be paid by bank transfer. You can find the account number together with other details on the reverse page of the Record of the performed transport inspection.